Diverse Beauty provides tips, advice, and products for colored skin tones men and women. Look beautiful inside and outside!

Posts tagged ‘thanksgiving’

Thanksgiving Beauty

This week I like to take time to talk and discuss Thanksgiving. I know you are either excited for the holiday that is approaching so fast or you may hope it just goes way, but either ways the holidays are special. Each holiday symbolizes some significant point of history, itself it beings its own joys, sorrows, excitement, and beauty that we don’t feel all year around, except this time of the year.

Thanksgiving is the time to thank and be thankful. No matter how you are, each of us are beautiful in our own unique way. If this year you didn’t achieve your own goal of “beauty” don’t feel bad, because you are not the only one and try harder this coming year. Hopefully I’ll be part of your journey!

I’ll keep posting pre-Thanksgiving followed by Thanksgiving, and hopefully end with after Thanksgiving. Look out for new updates.

***Happy and Safe Thanksgiving from Diverse Beauty***

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