Diverse Beauty provides tips, advice, and products for colored skin tones men and women. Look beautiful inside and outside!

Archive for January, 2012

Updates from Diverse Beauty


I hope all of you are doing well and staying warm. This has turned into a chilly winter, be safe and be careful when driving!

I received many comments/emails of why I haven’t posted anything-it is not I don’t want to post, I thought I let you know, I will be posting on my days off from work. I leave for work early and come at night and am stressed as well as exhausted.

I believe my best work comes from when I am fresh:)

Have a great day/night and be safe!

Ugly Dark Circle Eyes Transform into Beauty

In our previous post, Causes for Dark Circles Under Eyes, we described the causes and in Hidden Truth about Dark Circles Under Eyes, defined, now finally we will be discussing treatment and how you can try to rid of those dark circles or at least lighten to your skin tone.

If you want to try to take care of dark circles under your eyes by yourself at home here are few options to go for:

  • Freezing: Try a cold ice, frozen spoon, cold used teabag, or a bag frozen peas, wrap the item (one product at a time) in a  soft cloth or handkerchief and put it under your eyes to temporarily reduce dilated and discoloration.
  • Cushion Sleep. Instead of using only one pillow when sleeping, try to get two or more, that can help prevent puffiness under lower eyelids.
  • Snooze. Many times it is good idea to sleep in and get refreshed sleep. It can help the whole body relax and function properly.
  • Summer Blast. During summer months it is really good idea to use sunscreen lotion and going for sunglasses. Go easy on your eyes with all the light and heat!
  • Over the Counter. it you have a cold, use the nasal congestion medication over the counter and/or prescribed by your doctor, that can help clear the puffiness of your eyes.
  • Make Up. There are over hundreds of skin creams and lotions to cover the dark circles. I would highly suggest researching the ingredients of the product before trying on your skin, due to allergy reaction.
  • Magic. I am not kidding the right color concealer can do the trick! Avoid scented products due to allergy reactions.

Now give it a try and let us know!!!

Soap Can Harm Your Beauty

Many people (men and women) hesitate to use soap on their skin, since:certain companies used animal fats and vegetable oils in their soaps to make it “look beautiful.”

Now that aspect has completely changed, soap industries have listened to their users concerns and have adapted different way of making the product, which is more healthy to skin.

Reality, currently you would be able to find variety of options of soaps to use. Go for milder and moisturizers soaps, which doesn’t dry your skin but provides cleaning beauty.

Chocolate Breakout

Have you ever been told don’t eat too much chocolate because it might give you breakouts? If yes, then it is time to change that viewpoint, because that is a myth!

The reality is eating chocolate will not give you breakouts, but if you don’t eat healthy that may cause your body to react, that can definitely cause pimples, breakouts, and zits!

Chocolate Breakout by Diverse Beauty

Chocolate Breakout by Diverse Beauty

Beauty Myths vs. Reality

We all want to be good looking, handsome, and beautiful in our daily lives. Many times throughout our lives we pay more money then necessary in order to look beautiful/handsome and yet nothing changes. No miracle comes to our way to make us look “HOT” instead we may end up looking worse (cause of allergy reactions) and/or looking like a fool (wasted time/money).

Why do we do and behave such ways? Why do we follow Beauty Myths? How can we know the differences between myths and reality?

I am going to share Beauty Myths.

Stay tuned!

Causes for Dark Circles Under Eyes

In my post, Hidden Truth about Dark Circles Under Eyes, we defined the basics, now let us look at the cause of that.

  • Aging—getting older is natural but not taking care of yourself can cause large amount of darker circles under your eyes
  • Allergies—yes having allergies can also create dark circles
  • Genetics—unfortunately many times dark circles under our eyes can be a gift from our genetics, especially if they start in young age
  • Stress—this abuses our body and can cause such damage
  • Smoking/Alcohol—that too can increase dark circles
  • Weight Changes—gaining and/or losing too much weight can effect dark circles

These are just few ways that can create dark circles under our eyes. Try to understand why you are getting dark circles under your eyes and then let us explore the treatments next!


Hi Guys,

You guys must have become familiar with SOPA and PIPA. Please voice your freedom! We don’t mind ending piracy, but really we don’t want to end liberty. It is not fair. Please help and by visiting End Piracy Not Liberty to be heard. Please do it as soon as possible, otherwise this freedom too will be limited:(

STOP SOPA & PIPA by Diverse Beauty

STOP SOPA & PIPA by Diverse Beauty

Hidden Truth about Dark Circles Under Eyes

What do you think that ages you most (men and women)?

You may have answered wrinkles or gray hair, I assume. I also used to think and believe that, but believe it or not, it is dark circles under our eyes!

There have been research by many profit and non profit organizations:

  • Hospitals— Mayo Clinic
  • Mega cosmetic industries—Olay
  • Online medical research—Webmd

Dark circles under eyes aren’t a sign of tiredness, exhaustion, or any serious illness, they can and do make us feel really old.

Dark circles under eyes affect both genders-men and women and even though many times these circles appear in adulthood, but don’t be fooled, because young children and teenagers can develop dark circles under their eyes pretty fast.

“Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder”

We all are familiar with this phrase, but have you ever realized how true the phrase, “Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder.”

  • Beauty is what pleases our eye
  • Eyes provides us with the important sense-sight!
  • Eyes tells the stories of our lives
  • Eyes can detect difference between true vs. lies

Our world is looked through our eyes on daily basis; our perspective is through our eyes, and most of all our eyes holds the mysteries and answers to many unimaginable sights.

Let our eyes be beautiful and tell the stories of our lives!

Eyes by Diverse Beauty

Eyes by Diverse Beauty

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and it may be necessary from time to time to give a stupid or misinformed beholder a black eye.

MLK 2012 from Diverse Beauty

Happy Martin Luther King Day from Diverse Beauty!

How was your holiday? Did you get off from school/work? I didn’t, I was at work whole day, it was really good and the day flew by!

Let us not forget one man who made diversity possible, without him diversity may have not become what it is today and unfortunately we take it for granted!

I just came from work and wanted to wish each and all of you Happy MLK Day!

Happy Martin Luther King Day from Diverse Beauty

Happy Martin Luther King Day 2012 from Diverse Beauty

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